March Monthly News

Monthly Newsletter

In my first newsletter I’ll go over the details of my website launch, new projects and products, and changes to my business going forward.

Introducing My Monthly Newsletter!

From this point forward I will be writing monthly newsletters to be put on my website! These will cover various topics including upcoming projects, personal updates, and art related articles.

Artist Updates

I just launched my professional artist website. With this launch comes many changes to my life and business. I will be posting on socials more often, writing a monthly newsletter, and posting about events and projects on my website. I’m also finishing up my online store which will change how I sell my work. I will be busier than ever!

The Art Shop

I’m currently building my online store, which will be quite different from the structure of my small online shop that was previously on Gumroad. This store will have all the products and art pieces that I have had for sale online and at art markets previously, but it will also have several new products.

The first new product I want to introduce is stickers! I am launching my sticker collection with five designs from some of my most popular art pieces, and digital art designs. I will be creating more stickers later. These stickers will be priced at four dollars. I will also be releasing two new prints for my Catalyst painting, and my Medusa Painting.

I will also release two more linocut designs coming up, although these won’t launch until a bit after the store launch. In the future, I will release some product collections via print by demand. These will likely be limited edition collections, and I will release more information about those products once I get closer to their release dates.

Website Features

My website has typical pages like an about me page, event page, and contact page. It also will of course have my online store. There is a portfolio page where you can see some of my pieces, even some that aren’t for sale yet, or have already been sold, and I have just added a newsletter page with the release of this first newsletter. The newsletter page will include the issue for the current month as well as previous issues up to six months prior and any favorite newsletters that I have in the future.

The Tiny Gallery

I recently posted videos of me creating a tiny art gallery for a photoshoot with my squirrel. I plan to create more mini paintings and do future photoshoots with my squirrel in a similar way, so follow me on socials to see the cutest little model run around!

The Artist Fav

Every month I will do a small appreciation section for something small that makes me happy. I hope this section will remind you that when life gets tough it can help to focus on the small moments that bring you joy! So, this month I’m taking a moment to appreciate cinnamon applesauce after I’ve microwaved it for about thirty seconds. It’s like apple pie in liquid form! Try it, seriously. It may change your life.

Upcoming Project- “Congratulations”

I have recently started a new mixed-media piece, and it’s one of the most interesting ones I’ve done. When I graduated high school, I was disappointed that I couldn’t paint my cap and gown, but I decided to just paint it afterward. Eventually, I decided to turn my cap and gown into a full mixed-media piece.

The company that produces the cap and gowns for several schools in my area including mine has become known for how they change the dye batch slightly every year. This means that students can’t let younger siblings use their caps and gowns for graduation because the reused gown would look slightly different from the other student’s and that student wouldn’t be allowed to walk. There were also rules within my school about conformity during graduation. Essentially, everyone was expected to look the same. Since that graduation outfit will never be worn again, I decided to turn it into an art piece about the forced conformity of most public schools, how public schools often kill creative expression, and the effect of old systems still in place in public education that need to be updated.

To be clear, I have a great respect for the teachers and staff of public schools. This piece is a criticism of some of the systems and expectations for students that encourage conformity and complacency rather than creativity, leadership, and uniqueness. Every part of the cap and gown will be painted with a variety of subjects, all conveying the message about the need to update certain aspects of public education. This project will take a while to complete and it likely won’t be done for a few months, but I will post updates as I go.


Authored by Alex Samaha

March 15, 2024

Flying Squirrel Studio


April Newsletter